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Celiac Service Dogs Gluten Detection Information & Training

Gluten Detection Dog Training

This is the place to learn about training your own gluten-detection service dog, and we are so happy you are here. This can be a daunting information-seeking mission, but we want to help you make the most informed decision as you embark on this journey.  We offer online learning and one-on-one training. Check out our videos and handbooks to get started!​​

Are you ready to train a gluten detection dog?

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Online Service Dog Training Educational Videos & Handbooks

We have developed videos and handbooks to help you determine if training a gluten detection service dog is right for you, and how to begin the process properly.

"10/10 would recommend if you are considering a service dog (especially if you are new to the idea like me!). I love that the videos could be watched on a lunch break+ the handouts made it easy to follow the main points. I feel confident now that I have a realistic understanding of the steps from selecting a trainer to a breeder to the right breeds. I don’t want to spend all this money to have a service dog that isn’t a right fit and these courses helped me make a solid game plan!"

~ Seely


Free Resources

Sign Up for Our
"10 Things to Know about a Gluten Detection Dog"! 

One on One Dog Training

If you are ready to begin the owner gluten detection service dog training program or want to start with a virtual dog training consultation, start here.


Our Professional Affiliations


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